6 giorni sulla terra

6 giorni sulla terra

6 giorni sulla terra

regia di Varo Venturi (2011)

SINOSSI: Il dottor Piso, un coraggioso scienziato, studia da anni l’inquietante fenomeno delle alien abductions (rapimenti alieni) attraverso l’ipnosi. L’incontro con la giovane Saturnia lo porterà a scoperte ancor più sconvoglenti, conducendoci nella realtà nascosta per millenni dietro le quinte della storia…
ANNO: 2011
REGIAVaro Venturi
SCENEGGIATURAVaro VenturiLuisa M. Fusconi,Giacomo Mondadori,
ATTORIMassimo PoggioLaura GlavanVaro VenturiLudovico FremontPier Giorgio BellocchioNazzareno BombaMarina KazankovaEmilian CerniceanuFrancesca SchiavoGiovanni VisentinAlisa Bystrova,Francesco VendittiDavid TraylorRuby Kammer
FOTOGRAFIADaniele BaldacciVaro Venturi
MUSICHEJohnny KlimekReinhold Heil
PAESE: Italia
DURATA: 101 Min


Dr. Davide, a courageous scientist, has been studying thousands of cases related to alien abductions, obtaining by the abductees under hypnosis, the unsettling thesis that some extraterrestrial races have been installing for millennia their active memories in the abducted people’s brains, in order to “live” through them in this dimension, exploiting a special human energy: the Soul… But when the scientist will decide to help Saturnia, a seductive eighteen-old girl that believes she has been abducted, and shows a clear attraction for him – he will have to face an insurmountable problem: once hypnotized, Saturnia will not leave anymore the trance condition, giving place to Hexabor of Ur – an alien entity coming from Mesopotamian ages that consider himself an half-god. This will be complicated by the unexpected discovery that Saturnia belong to a wealthy black aristocracy’s family.
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